Can Dogs Be Allergic To Peanut Butter?

Can Dogs Be Allergic to Peanut Butter?

Dogs, like any other living being, are dependent on their nutrition for their growth. It may happen that food which is good one day might happen to be a reason for an allergy another day.  All human edibles are labeled with warning notes but unfortunately, this is not present on pet food.

Our article talks about can dogs be allergic to peanut butter? As there is a lot of that can cause harm to your little loved one.

Some foods that have caused no problems in the past for a pet can suddenly cause an allergic reaction the next time it is consumed. The dog’s body will create a histamine to fight the offending allergen.

Food allergies may seem to develop without warning but in reality, they develop over a long period of time. It is important that dog owners remain aware of the possible symptoms of allergies. So that they can react promptly and perhaps, save their dog’s life.

Having a dog with allergy issues is somewhat a frustrating situation. Allergies are alarming situations within the immune system in all living beings.

Having a dog with allergy issues can be incredibly irritating, for the pet and the pet owner. Allergies are immune system responses where your dog’s body generates a little response to a trigger. Where no matter what you do to treat them if you are exposing your dog to allergens, the problems and the discomfort continues.

Can Dogs Be Allergic to Peanut Butter

Can Dogs Be Allergic to Peanut Butter?

Peanut butter is safe for dogs, it acts as a treat and a good one, at that. Dogs love peanut butter, and it is also very useful for dog owners to fulfill any dog-related responsibilities like giving your dog medicine.

It can be used for when you want to trim your dog’s nails. You can distract the dog with a treat while you clip off the nails. You can also use it to give your dog a bath, not in the way you think. While you are shampooing your dog, have another person feed them peanut butter. This will keep them distracted for as often as possible and to give your dog a thorough bath.

A lot of peanut butter types are safe for dogs but there are some types of peanut butter that are not. There are certain ingredients that make some peanut butters poisonous for your dog.

Sometimes the peanut butter comprises of materials that your dog can easily be allergic to. It will cause your dog’s respiratory system to choke up and you will be risking death in some cases.

So be sure to check the ingredients before buying the brand of peanut butter, if you are planning to feed it to your dog. The below ingredients are toxic to dogs even the smallest amount of peanut butter with these ingredients can be hazardous.


The first ingredient that comes to mind when talking about poisonous substances in peanut butter is Xylitol. Xylitol is a sort of substitution for sugar that is required in the making of some peanut butters.

This ingredient is becoming widely popular with companies because it is an all-natural substitute, called sweetener. This substitute, although fine for humans, is extremely poisonous for all species of dogs.

The lack of awareness about the presence of this chemical in peanut butter has successfully poisoned thousands of dogs. Which has caused them to lose their lives in the process.

The popularity of this chemical has tried to be reduced because of the effects it has on dogs, but it is in vain. Many well-known companies still make use of this ingredient for production purposes. Dog owners have been devastated at the loss of their precious pet just because of the lack of awareness in the dog world.

According to the Poison Pet Helpline, cases involving xylitol ingestion are increasing rapidly. In 2009, they were consulted on approximately 300 cases, while in 2015, that number increased to 2,800.

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Many dog specialists have attempted to raise awareness about this mishap and although it has received some sort of attention. It is still extremely rare for people to have any information about this. Endangering the lives of their pets that they love so dearly.

xylito can seriously harm or kill your dog

Why Xylitol is Dangerous for Dogs

Xylitol is a sweetener that is widespread these days for having dental benefits and in some places replacing sugar for the people who suffer from diabetes. The toxicity level in Xylitol is even higher than chocolate for dogs.

A gram of Xylitol inside a dog’s body can cause staggering, disorientation, collapse, and seizures. All of this, just in a thirty-pound dog. 7 grams inside a dog of the same size can cause the destruction of the dog’s liver cells.

About 22 more grams of chocolate can result in the same circumstances. Thus, when buying peanut butter make sure that your jar of preference does not contain this chemical. If you have a dog in the house and you are planning on eating it as well, then it is best to not buy it all. 31 grams of Xylitol will kill your dog completely without any hindrances and completely rupture your dog’s liver.

Are Dogs Allergic to Peanuts?

Dogs rarely ever have any reaction to peanut, unlike many human beings. Though it is possible that some species or breeds may react to peanuts negatively at some point, the research done on it is very limited. Completely ruling out the possibility of dogs being allergic to peanuts can also be quite dangerous, especially for certain species.

If you are planning on giving your dog any peanut butter for the first time. and you are not sure whether or not it may be allergic, try giving them a very tiny amount at first. Your best solution is contacting your local veterinarian, it is better safe than sorry.

If the dog reacts negatively take it straight to the vet and do not look back if you want your dog to be okay. If the dog seems normal, then give him the peanut butter. Some signs that your dog is having an allergic reaction are; small bumps on the surface of your dog’s body that may be swelling up and getting slightly pink.

They might also get swelling around their eyes and mouth which will be very obvious to the naked eye. The dog might start heaving and breathing uncontrollably, trying to catch a breath.

Swift breathing is a very common symptom of an allergic reaction. The dog also might start throwing up everywhere and excreting uncontrollably. In the worst cases, the dog will start scratching itself, and eventually, they will collapse.

How Much Peanut Butter is OK?

If your peanut butter is free of Xylitol, then obviously you can give your dog the tasty treat. At the same time, you cannot overdo feeding your dog peanut butter because too much of it can give your dog pancreatitis. A disease negatively affecting the pancreas of a dog.

It can also result in the dog getting overtly obese very easily. This will be because of the ample amount of fatty substances present in the entirety of the peanut butter.

You really need to be cautious about how much peanut butter you give to your precious pet or any other dog treats of any kind. You should give your dog no more than 10% of their daily calorie intake when treating your dog with treats and junk food.

The exact amount of peanut butter that you can give to your dog differentiates from one dog to another dog and from one peanut butter brand to another. You can check your peanut butter by making sure you inspect the calories at the back of the jar before buying it.

The general rule is that small dogs should not eat more than half a spoon of this treat. Larger dogs should not be fed more than a spoon or your dog’s health will be affected negatively.

Can Dogs Be Allergic to Peanut Butter?

Can All Dogs Eat Peanut Butter?

Dogs that suffer from chronic pancreatitis or dogs that might have the tendency to develop acute or chronic pancreatitis, like schnauzers or Yorkshires should not be given peanut butter at all. The same goes for dogs that have diabetes, it is a big no for them.

If they are given even a tiny amount it is possible that their condition will get worse very easily. You will be risking their lives for the sake of a very small amount of pleasure.


Peanut butter amount depends on the size of the dog.

There are also some people who talk about crunchy peanut butter being a choking hazard for dogs. This has almost never happened making crunchy peanut butter seemingly fine for any kind of dog that can eat peanut butter. However, the argument remains, even crunchy peanut butter in a large amount is bad for the dog’s health.

Although, if you are about to use the peanut butter in order to give your dog a bath or any other distraction you should opt for creamy instead of crunchy.

Knowing what to feed your dog and what not to feed your dog is something every dog owner should know. There is a lot of foods a dog can eat and cannot eat. You should always be cross-checking sources when you are thinking of feeding your dog something new.

Also when feeding your dog something they have not tried before you should give it to them in a small amount. This is good practice, as you do not know how your dog will react to certain foods. It is always best to be on the side of caution. If you are still uncertain, always consult your local vet, as they will be able to give you a definite answer.

Conclusion – Reaching Out to Dog Owners

People that are concerned with this issue are trying to reach out to companies and stop the use of Xylitol in peanut butter. This will make it easily accessible for dogs or at least try to create awareness among dog owners, pet lovers, and pet stores. That they should not stock peanut butter that could result in the death of their dog.

Feeding your dog peanut butter keeps them happy. But make sure to be cautious and aware of what the peanut butter contains.  You could easily accidentally lose your fluffy little friend if you mix the peanut butter jars up. You should not stock sugar-free or light peanut butter in your home, just to be on the safe side because accidents do happen.

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