You are in the kitchen cooking up a storm and you accidentally drop a small portion of ginger root on the floor. Your worried and everything goes through your mind, can dogs eat ginger? Well, you will be happy to learn that yes, they can. Can Dogs Eat Ginger? Yes,…
James Reed
James Reed
James here, I am the proud owner of 3 furry best friends (Roscoe, Milo & Simon). I have been volunteering in local shelters since I was 16 and since then, my love for the K9 inspired me to want to help others understanding the dog world. I hope the site helps you get answers to any questions you may have.
Butter is found in a lot of things, more things then you are probably aware of. So you may wonder can dogs eat butter as well? No, dogs cannot eat butter, please let me state that it is not toxic to dogs, just extremely unhealthy. Can Dogs Eat Butter? No,…
Peppermint is one of the most common ingredients when it comes to the holiday season. It can be found in candy and desserts. It can be found hanging from your Christmas tree and used for many other things you eat. Can dogs eat Peppermint though? Check out our article below…
Everyone has been there when there barbequing, and they find their dog next to them. Waiting for something to be given to them or just accidentally dropped. What if you gave your dog a hot dog? Can dogs eat hot dogs? The answer is yes, although it is probably one…
Dates are one of them foods that humans either love or hate, there is not any in-between. With dates being a somewhat sugary treat for humans can dogs eat dates as well though? The answer is yes, they can. Can Dogs Eat Dates? So, yes, dogs can eat dates, the…
Have you ever been making a salad or making something for dinner and your dog is there right next to you. Waiting on something to drop and you think can dogs eat beets? Well, yes, they can, there is nothing toxic inside a beet. Beats or also known as beetroot…
Persimmons are becoming more popular throughout the world lately. So we thought we would answer the question for can dogs eat persimmons? Well, yes, they can BUT it comes with some conditions. Persimmons have a catch to them, they take prepping, you cannot just feed your dog them straight out…
Have you been there in the kitchen making yourself a sandwich and wondered can you feed your dog cream cheese? Well, today we are talking about can dogs eat cream cheese. Now first off, cream cheese is a dairy product, so if your dog is lactose intolerant then that is…
Baked beans and dogs? This question is coming up more and more, well can dogs eat baked beans? The simple answer is no. Baked beans are not something you can share with your little best friend. They may not be toxic to your dog, but they are seriously unhealthy, to…
Whipped cream is one of those things that you can literally put on anything from your morning latte to the dessert you eat in the evening. Can dogs eat whipped cream though? That delicious air like cream substance cannot be that bad, can it? Well, dogs can eat whipped cream.…