Jalapenos are one of them foods people either love or hate. A lot of people do enjoy jalapenos. The question is though, can dogs eat jalapenos? Are they safe for dogs to have? We will talk about all this and spicy food below. Can Dogs Eat Jalapenos? Jalapenos or any…
James Reed
James Reed
James here, I am the proud owner of 3 furry best friends (Roscoe, Milo & Simon). I have been volunteering in local shelters since I was 16 and since then, my love for the K9 inspired me to want to help others understanding the dog world. I hope the site helps you get answers to any questions you may have.
Many people do question what they can give their dogs, especially when it comes to feeding them cereal. Although Cheerios contain sugar, they are made with mild ingredients. But what you want to know is can dogs eat cheerios though? On the surface, cheerios look like a safe treat for…
Dogs have an increased level of olfactory cells than humans. Hence, they perceive smells more intensely than us. Hopefully, this article will have you questioning what smells do dogs hate, as it is important you keep this in mind. Approximately, a dog’s sense of smell is at least 40 times…
Bell Peppers are a common ingredient when we are cooking something in the kitchen. Have you ever thought about giving your dog a bit of a bell pepper though? Can dogs eat bell peppers? Are they allowed to eat all the different types of bell peppers? We answer all these…
Eggplants or also known as aubergine are one of them foods that not many people really think about. They are actually a fruit and not a vegetable which shocks a lot of people. So not many people usually choose to eat it, how about dogs though? can dogs eat eggplant?…
When it comes to fruits that you have in your house you are best off knowing what dogs can and cannot have. This includes nectarines, can dogs eat nectarines? We explain everything you need to know below. Can Dogs Eat Nectarines? Yes, dogs can have nectarines, they are part of…
Tofu is a very popular food, especially with vegans and vegetarians. So it may cross your mind can dogs eat tofu as well? This is not a straightforward answer, as there is a lot to know before you even think about feeding tofu to your dog. Can Dogs Eat Tofu?…
We often eat prunes because we have a bad stomach or are feeling a bit backed up. Prunes will usually help restore our bowel function, so you might think, how about dogs? Can dogs eat prunes as well? Can Dogs Eat Prunes? No, it is not recommended to give your…
Pepperoni is one of them foods that pretty much everyone loves, especially our pizza lovers. How about your dog as well? Can dogs eat pepperoni or are they to stay clear of it? Can Dogs Eat Pepperoni? Pepperoni is a type of salami, which is derived from meat. Now you…
A lot of people love a good spicy meal, from curries to just a spicy pizza. So it is only natural that you might question yourself, can dogs eat spicy food? Simply put no, they cannot. Can Dogs Eat Spicy Food? Dogs cannot eat spicy food; you will be surprised…